Sep 22 2020

CDFI Fund Opens 2020 NMTC Application Round

The U.S. Department of the Treasury's Community Development Financial Institutions Fund (CDFI Fund) released today the Notice of Allocation Availability (NOAA) for the calendar year (CY) 2020 round of the New Markets Tax Credit Program (NMTC Program). The CDFI Fund is providing the NOAA on its website in anticipation of its publication in the Federal Register on September 23, 2020.

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Aug 26 2020

Summer of Kindness Going Strong @ First Place-Phoenix

Check out Kind It Forward and the many creative ways First Place–Phoenix residents and staff have committed to sharing enduring kindness and joy.

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Aug 17 2020

Parkview Warsaw Offers ‘Moms On The Move’ Program

Parkview Warsaw Center for Healthy Living’s innovative ”Moms on the Move” program continues to promote health and wellbeing for pregnant and new moms while providing an additional source of fun and connectivity during the COVID-19 pandemic, according to a news release from Parkview.

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Jul 25 2020

Vertical Farms Fill a Tall Order

Wall Street Journal - By Dickson Despommier The Covid-19 pandemic has disrupted agricultural production and supply chains around the world. Farmers have often struggled to get their food to distant markets, and sharp shifts in demand have repeatedly forced them to dump crops. Avoiding such logistical problems is one of the chief advantages of vertical farms, a new approach to agriculture that aims to grow food closer to population centers. Over the past 10 years, hundreds of such indoor farms have sprouted up around the globe, mostly in the larger cities of industrialized countries. They occupy multistory buildings in which crops are grown in water or in misted air instead of soil, with LED lights in place of sunlight, in a controlled and largely automated environment.

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Jul 23 2020

Patient-Focused Design Turns Former Distribution Center into Healthcare Village

Church Health at Crosstown Concourse in Memphis is the largest private faith-based health clinic in the U.S. The innovative design successfully co-locates multiple healthcare-related program and functions to offer patients a full-service clinic, wellness center, and community gathering place – all under one roof.

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Jul 21 2020

Phoenix agencies get millions in tax credits to support real estate projects in low-income areas

Last week, the CDFI Fund announced $3.5 billion in New Market Tax Credits (NMTC) allocation for developing low-income communities nationwide. Out of 206 that applied, 76 CDEs received allocation awards, including three organizations in the Valley. DV Community Investment, Prestamos CDFI and the Phoenix Community Development and Investment Corporation received a combined $145 million in credits for the most recent 2019 award cycle.

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Jul 15 2020

CDFI Fund Awards More than $3.5 Billion in NMTC Allocation

Washington – The U.S. Department of the Treasury’s Community Development Financial Institutions Fund (CDFI Fund) announced $3,548,485,000 in New Markets Tax Credits today that will spur investment and economic growth in low-income urban and rural communities nationwide. A total of 76 Community Development Entities (CDEs) were awarded tax credit allocations, made through the calendar year (CY) 2019 round of the New Markets Tax Credit Program.

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May 21 2020

Rural King Bringing 75 Jobs to Waverly

Rural King announced Tuesday it will expand its distribution center operations in Waverly, creating 75 new jobs in this newest expansion. Headquartered in Mattoon, Ill., Rural King operates more than 120 farm and home stores in 13 states. The Waverly distribution facility opened in 2015 and currently operates with approximately 370 associates at the location. This facility services a majority of Rural King stores, fulfills e-commerce orders, and completes assembly for Rural King tractors. Rural King chose Ohio for its work ethic and talent in the region. Ohio’s logistical advantages also help the company reach a broad area of the Midwest and Southeastern U.S.

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Apr 27 2020

Dak Americas invests in Indiana facility

Dak Americas LLC, an integrated producer and recycler of polyethylene terephthalate (PET) resins that is based in Charlotte, North Carolina, has announced plans to expand its facility in Richmond, Indiana. According to a news release from DAK Americas LLC, the PET recycling company plans to invest $32 million and to hire 30 full-time employees at the facility by the end of 2021. The Economic Development Corp. (EDC) of Wayne County, Indiana, reports that it plans to provide a $140,000 Economic Development Income Tax (EDIT) grant to help Dak Americas with costs associated with the purchase of new equipment and machinery, building construction, adjacent land and training of new and incumbent employees.

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